Todd Oetelaar

I’m that dude you meet once and your like ‘yeah my mate Todd’ I’m definitely not your normal celebrant. I definitely hate tradition, and I believe that the raw essence of a wedding is about the two people standing in front of me.

Personal Shit

I’m a Landscaper/horticulturist by trade and currently work at Terrara House weddings and events. So when I’m not marrying people I’m getting the gardens and grounds ready for a wedding. I hail from the stunning South Coast of NSW. Originally Wollongong now Greenwell Point, and have been in my trade for 12 years.

Why a Celebrant?

I got into the wedding industry because I hate weddings believe it or not. I felt like I could change the aspect of a ceremony by exposing it for what it really is. Two people loving each other, and showing nothing else matters. My wife and I eloped in 2018 and we instantly connected with our celebrant, like we knew him for years. It gave me inspiration to follow his footsteps and make my own mark on. Tradition is overrated and I want to show the world you don’t need 100 people to enjoy a wedding, all you need is booze and the two kids getting hitched.